parshat Lech Lecha
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Avraham feared that the nation of Israel would sin and thereby lose the Land of Israel, so he asked, "Whereby shall I know?" How can I know that the Nation of Israel will merit having the land of Israel?
Judaism starts with the Land of Israel
In this week's Parasha, Hashem commands his first command to the first jew. The commandment is to move to the land of Israel. -
About a Refugee, Merits, Treatment of Women, and Covenants
After Avraham’s nephew Lot was taken captive by the four Mesopotamian kings, the Torah relates: “The refugee (palit) came and told Avram the Hebrew, who was dwelling in the plot of Mamreh the Emorite, the brother of Eshkol and Aner, and they were members of a covenant with Avram” (Bereishit 14:13). Among the many things to ask about this pasuk: Who was the palit and from what did he escape? What is the connection between the palit’s arrival and the friends in whose company Avraham was dwelling? -
Understanding Abraham - Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed
The weekly lesson of Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed
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